Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Blogging for English Language Learners

The article, Blogging for English Language Learners, demonstrates the benefits of using blogs when teaching ELLs.  Blogging can be done by the teacher but can also be done by the students using sites like Blogger, Kidblog, or Edublog.  The main suggestions for student blogging were:  creating and sharing an example blog before the students start blogging, having students blog consistently using at time frame that works for the student and the teacher, and give ELL students key points to follow when providing feedback to students.  The suggestion of using an example first is especially important at the elementary level.  It’s a fine line, because a teacher doesn’t want to creating an example that the students will simply mimic.  Students should use blogging to write creatively and collaborate with others.  I think the elementary years are a great time to start modeling the procedures for blogging.  ELL students especially need repeated practice and opportunities for communication.  Each student can write at his/her pace and ability level. 

The article suggests using a classroom blog to help ELLs in the classroom as well.  Some of the main benefits include:  sharing pictures and videos to reinforce content, posting vocabulary lists, and sharing links to games and resources to reinforce English skills.  I agree that these would greatly benefit the students, as well as parents.  I’ve used a classroom blog the past few years, but I have no used it consistently for communication.  It’s a quick and easy way to share links with students, but the benefits could go much farther.  I think our team level would benefit from creating a class website with the incorporation of blog as well.  Teachers could have access to the blog to share pictures, videos, and discussions about currently classroom happenings.  While individual teachers could have their own blogs as well, the team option gives teachers the opportunity to work together and reduce the workload. 

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